Baby Root Canal in Sunnyvale

Russell di Bari, DDS – Sunnyvale Baby Root Canal Specialist

When a baby tooth experiences decay that penetrates the nerve or pulp, or when the tooth endures trauma, it can lead to symptoms such as sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or persistent pain. In such cases, a root canal treatment may be advised as a means to save the tooth until it is naturally ready to fall out and be replaced by the permanent tooth.

Preserving a baby tooth instead of removing it can have several advantages, such as mitigating concerns related to self-esteem, proper chewing, speech development, and maintaining correct bite alignment.

In case your child experiences a broken tooth with the pulp exposed, reports sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures or tooth pain, undergoes mouth trauma, or displays a sudden shift in their eating patterns, it is crucial to contact Sunnyvale’s top Pediatric Dentist.

How is the pediatric root canal done?

Similar to an adult tooth root canal, Dr. di Bari will extract the diseased pulp tissue from the affected baby tooth, cleanse the area, and pack the root chamber with gutta-percha – a natural rubber-like material.

Following the root canal procedure, we’ll place a small crown or other form of restoration will be affixed to your child’s tooth to provide support to the remaining tooth structure.

It is possible for your to child to experience some mild sensitivity after the root canal, but as the nerve is removed during the root canal, any pain should not persist. To avoid the necessity for root canals on other baby teeth, it is essential for your child to maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine at home.

Sunnyvale’s Home for Pediatric Dentistry

In addition to providing baby root canals, we also offer the following pediatric dental services to our Sunnyvale pediatric dental patients: pediatric teeth extractions, pediatric dental crowns, pediatric fluoride treatment, pediatric white dental filings, pediatric dental sealants and routine pediatric dental cleanings.

Sunnyvale Family Dentistry